我在网上搜索了一下。排卵试纸测试的是你的LH值,排卵前一天,女性的LH值慢慢达到高峰(强阳),只有等LH慢慢降下去(转阴),才会排卵。这个在你买的排卵试纸的说明书上都有的。对你的情况,第一:有的女性LH值会持续有两到三天的高峰期,这不用担心,如果不放心,可以去医生那里咨询一下。第二:你第一次测的时候LH在升高,第二次测的时候在巅峰值,第三次在降低。。所以一直是试纸强阳。不要焦虑,你的情况应该是很正常的。像我,强阳之后9小时就转阴了,说明我的LH值不够高,我都没有担心呢。放松,我们一定会有可爱的宝宝的! 下面是原文,如果有兴趣你可以看一下。 Q: I had a positive LH surge, but tested again the following day anyway. It was positive again! What does that mean?
A: This isn't a problem. You may have caught your surge on its way up and on the way down. It is more common to only get one day of positive testing, but it is not uncommon to have two days of a positive tests. Even three days isn't uncommon, but it is worth consulting a doctor in case you have high LH levels.