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79年马支阳、泌高、封闭抗体阴性+NK细胞高,今天起建一好孕楼,相似情况的JM们多 ...

楼主: newbeginin
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这次月经是3/16, 补充黄体,每天20/黄体同,










3、NK细胞毒性 ——没打

4、Th1:Th2(TNF-a TNF-a/LI-10)——已经基本晢时控制



 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-129-1.html





我的复查结果 也出来了,哟。
Th1:Th2 Intracellular cytokine ratios
                                        2011, 3月        2012 7月      Reference
TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      56.0            16         13.2 - 30.6
IFN-g: IL-10 (CD3+CD4+)      30                  9.5    5.8 - 20.5

 文章来自: 播种网社区( www.bozhong.com) 详文参考:http://bbs.bozhong.com/thread-1213160-127-1.html

newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Also, I have known quite a few women who have used Humira, IVIG and
<br/>other treatments via ARGC who have had successful pregnancies. These
<br/>babies were born during the summer of 2004 and into the fall. So,
<br/>there are successes out there!!! They really aren't active on this
<br/>board any more.....and another place where you could have read alot
<br/>about them at ivfconnectionscom,just changed their server and all the old threads are gone!
<br/>I haven't used ART but have been through immune treatments including
<br/>a drug similar to Humira, called Enbrel as well as IVIG, LIT (you
<br/>will learn about all of these don't worry and may not need them) as a
<br/>patient of Dr. Beer and I am 15+w pg.
<br/>Sorry, I have to run. We are here to help you!
<br/>Take care,
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
MTHFR is very common. usually treated with baby aspirin but the beer center will put you on lovenox for it and a high dose of folic acid (folgard). I had been taking the folgard daily and my folic acid and B12 was thru the roof so i've limited it to every 3rd day. Anyway - i can't help you but just wanted you to know i feel your pain! good luck!
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
EB says 50:1 should be below 15. But I'm not positive that Braverman is using
<br/>the exact same test. Your CD56 (the actual killer cell) look great, and your
<br/>cytokines look good too (TNF-a needs to be below 30).
<br/>Lymphocytes 12.0 (Low) (Range: 19.9-46.3)
<br/>A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell, so I'm not sure exactly what he's
<br/>testing here.
<br/>Lymphocyte immune therapy (LIT) is to treat an Leukocyte Antibody Detection
<br/>(your body's ability to create antibodies to stop the attack on your husband's
<br/>tissue) that is below 50. Does the test script say anything about Antibody
<br/>detection? If 12 is your # for the LAD test, then yes AEB would recommend you
<br/>to do LIT. I didn't see a LAD test below when you originally tested with AEB.
<br/>I'm sure they would have tested it and that they were low because Trobough
<br/>recommended LIT. Do you recall what your LAD #s were? Also, for Trobough to
<br/>recommend Humira I suspect that your TNFa cytokine number were high (above 30).
<br/>All in all your immune #s now look pretty good. If your LAD #s were low during
<br/>the cycle that could be the reason (and a good reason) why it didn't take.
<br/>Also, IVF is not perfect, the success rate is less than 50% (lower for us).
<br/>It's possible that it just wasn't right this time. During the successful cycle
<br/>(congrats!), how did the cycle go? How many embryos and what were the quality?
<br/>How much time prior did you do LIT, IVIg and Humira? These treatments can have
<br/>a positive effect on egg quality, so doing Humira 3 months before (for example)
<br/>could help with the quality of eggs you had during the IVF.
<br/>Why are you not staying with AEB out of curiosity?
<br/>We hired a RI consultant to help us sort thru all of this. Her name is Karen
<br/>Pace and she is fantastic. It can be VERY overwhelming trying to keep track of
<br/>al the numbers, the tests, the treatment plans, all the research. She helps
<br/>with all of it. Under her guidance we are 23 weeks pregnant. And btw, we DID
<br/>EVERYTHING and didn't have any success until we stopped everything. Then we
<br/>surprisingly got pregnant without any immune treatments, even after Braverman
<br/>said we had to do Nuepogen. I guess what I'm trying to convey is that sometimes
<br/>it's totally random and it just doesn't make any sense. We want logical steps
<br/>and explanations but sometimes there aren't any. Here's Karen's great advice:
<br/>Test, treat, and make changes if you need to.
<br/>Here's her website:
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
1. NK Assay
<br/>> > 50:1 E:T 24.4 (Normal)(Range: 10-40)
<br/>> > 25:1 E:T 17.3 (Normal)(Range: 5-30)
<br/>> >
<br/>> > So, my NK cells (at 24,4) are normal, really??? Wasn't the cut off line at
<br/>> > 15%
<br/>> > (at the Beer center?)
<br/>> >
<br/>> > 2. CD3+ (Pan T cell) 87.9 (High) (Range: 60-85)
<br/>> > CD4+ (T-helper) 61.9 (High) (Range: 31-53)
<br/>> > CD56+/CD16+ 2.9 (Low) (Range: 3-12)
<br/>> >
<br/>> >
<br/>> > 3. TNF-a:IL-10 (CD3+/CD4+) 22.8 (Normal) (Range: 13.2-30.6)
<br/>> > IFN-g:IL-10 (CD3+/CD4+) 13.8 (Normal) (Range: 5.8-20.5)
<br/>> >
<br/>> >
<br/>> > 4. CBC w/Differential
<br/>> > Neutrophils 82.0 (High) (Range: 43.2-77)
<br/>> >
<br/>> > What is this? What does Neutrophils stand for?
<br/>> >
<br/>> > 5. Lymphocytes 12.0 (Low) (Range: 19.9-46.3)
<br/>> >
<br/>> > And what is this? Is this not what LIT is trying to do? (We had done LIT
<br/>> > twice
<br/>> > June and July 2011)
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
My very first testing (in 9/2007 with the Beer center) was:
<br/>> > NK Assay:
<br/>> > 50:1 at 22.9 (then lower than now)
<br/>> > 25:1 at 12.4 (lower than now)
<br/>> >
<br/>> > And back then Dr. Trobough recommended: LIT, Humira, IVIG - which we all
<br/>> > did.
<br/>> > Our tests in 2/2008 showed much lowered numbers:
<br/>> > 50:1 to 15.6
<br/>> > 25:1 to 8.0
<br/>> >
<br/>> > - we were cleared for cycle, after which I got pregnant/gave birth to a
<br/>> > baby
<br/>> > boy.
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
We wish! As soon as we were pregnant we did IVIg right away. We've done about
<br/>5 IVIg in 23 weeks. We also did Lovenox and all the standard pre-natals. No
天使宝宝 |
心酸的草莓 发表于 2011-12-31 16:58
<br/>紫淳,我吃的就是这个盐酸多西环素片      连吃14天,避开月经期,夫妻同吃,是很难受,但我治好了。 ...
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
Protocol based on Italian Study:
<br/>Treatment is given at the dose of subcutaneous 100 mg/day started at 6th day after the ovulation then patients are assessed by ultrasound and treatment is continued through the 35th day after ovulation (for a total of about 30 consecutive days).
<br/>Another Protocol: (as of 4/26/05)
<br/>Protocol consists of 10-13 injections starting at the beginning of a natural conception cycle or the day after transfer of an IVF cycle. (about £1,000 UK)
<br/>Third Protocol option (some patients have used)
<br/>100 mg/day starting from 3 days before ovulation.
<br/>One IVF protocol option (4/8/11)
<br/>“In an IVF cycle, the earliest you can start 48 hours before the trigger shot. Starting 48 hours before the trigger shot helps with final maturation of follicles and helps with ovulation
<br/>1mcg/kg/day is the dose which was used”
十一级宝宝 |
不客气   希望所有的姐妹都好孕 好孕 好孕
newbeginin (楼主)
天使宝宝 |
N comes with 300mcg in 1 ml vial and 480mcg in 1.6ml vial, I will take the example of 300mcg in 1 ml vial below.
<br/>According to the studies, it is used 1mcg/kg of your body weight. So technically if you are 50 kg then you need 50mcg/day so you will make 6 equal doses out of 300mcg vial, since it is in 1 ml so 1ml/6 = .16 ml per dose(50mcg). If someone if making 5 does out of 300mcg then it would be 1ml/5=.2ml(60mcg) per dose.
<br/>Please let me know if you have any questions on this.
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