下面是我的美国代妈给昨天给我发的邮件,我不清楚这样的问题严重吗?有已经怀孕或者专业的人士可以指导一下吗?很急,跪求,谢谢 I'm sorry I didn't email on time. My daughter was sick with the stomach flu, so I was focusing on getting her better.报歉没有及时回复我们的邮件。我的女儿得了胃病,所以我照顾她了。 I've been praying for baby, hope everything will be okay. 我一直在为宝宝祈祷,希望一切都好。 o Appointment Date: 预约时间:12/28 12/28 o Weeks Pregnant: 孕17周检查 17 weeks o Current Weight: 本期体重:200磅 200 lbs. o Blood Pressure: 生理血压:110/72 110/72 o Fetal Heartrate: 胎儿心率:145bpm 145 bpm o Any other testing results:其他测试结果 During the ultrasound they realized I have a low lying placenta. I'm on pelvic rest as of now and doctor wants to wait until the following appointment to see whether or not to put me on bed rest. But, she isn't worried if there's no heavy bleeding. I do get cramps, but the doctor said that'll be normal, nothing to worry about. 超声检查中,检测结果显示胎盘位置较低,医生说需要下一次检查的时候看一下情况是否需要卧床休息。但是,她说如果没有大出血不用担心。我有抽筋,但医生说那是正常现象,用担心。 o Next appointment, date, and ti7me: 下一次产检时间:01/09/18 01/09/18 o General update on how you’re feeling at this stage of the pregnancy:怀孕初级阶段感受更新: Aside from the cramping, I'm feeling really good. Just always sleepy and tired. 除了抽筋,我一切都好。能睡,感到累。 |