The registration fee of UK ?___0 or US$1_.50 must accompany the application, either as a personal cheque or as a credit card payment. Please do not use other currencies or bank drafts or money orders as the bank charges to the RHS for processing these items usually exceeds the value of the application fee. Payment by credit card is usually easiest, but please be sure to supply the expiry date and the three digit security code and the name and address of the card holder if different from that of the applicant. Cheques should be made payable to the Royal Horticultural Society.?$OLLAR?CHEQUES?CAN?ONLY?BE?ACCEPTED?FOR? 注册费用是英镑(你没写)或1.5美金。申请表必须附着注册费用。注册费可以通过个人支票或信用卡支付。请不要用其他货币,公家支票或者汇票。以为银行可能收取RHS多余注册费的费用(通过处个人支票或信用卡其他途径支付。信用卡支付一半是最快捷的方式。但是确保提供信用卡过期日期,三位数电子安全号码以及持卡人地址,如果持卡人与申请者不是同一个人。支票必须确保RHS能够提现……下面的你没写全 |