美国公民给父母办身份比加拿大公民给父母般身份容易不少 起码不用抽签啊Is Your Family Member an "Immediate Relative?"“Immediate relatives” of a U.S. citizen are defined as a spouse, unmarried children under the age of 21, and parents. Immediate relatives always have a visa number immediately available. To learn more, see the “Green Card for an Immediate Relative of a U.S. Citizen” page. 美国父母不需要排期 mmediate relatives always have a visa number immediately available就是要等文件处理而已 这是个大优势 兄弟姐妹都是要排期的 因为不算 Immediate relatives 所以比加拿大的好 也没有配额一说 也不需要抽签 加拿大现在是摇号 感觉跟北京摇车牌差不多 To promote family unity, immigration law allows U.S. citizens to petition for certain qualified relatives to come and live permanently in the United States. Eligible immediate relatives include the U.S. citizen’s: Spouse Unmarried child under the age of 21 Parent (if the U.S. citizen is over the age of 21)Immediate relatives have special immigration priority and do not have to wait in line for a visa number to become available for them to immigrate because there are an unlimited number of visas for their particular categories. 这一段 配偶 未婚21岁以下子女 家长 三个属于最高优先级 公民的子女申请父母移民美国没有移民签证名额限制,这样再过2年半时你儿子为你们申请比较合适,这样对你目前的工作也不影响,到那时儿子有收入就不必找联合担保人(申请你们夫妇,你儿子的年收入达到税前$ 22,887.50 以上即可)担保人的要求 Q:成为担保人有什么要求? A:担保人需在18岁以上,可以是美国公民或者美国永久居民(LPR)。担保人要在美国有固定住所。 5)住所 Q:不居住在美国的美国公民/永久居民请愿人是否可以作为担保人? A:不可。法律规定,担保人必须居住在美国。 这收入 基本是个人就有啊 You also must meet certain income requirements (whether you are a sponsor, a joint sponsor, or a substitute sponsor)。 You must show that your household income is equal to or higher than 125% of the U.S. poverty level for your household size. (Your household size includes you, your dependents, any relatives living with you, and the immigrants you are sponsoring.)贫困线的125% 说白了就是按贫困线算的 难怪这么低 美国了不起啊 |