人在澳洲,所以会迎来一个winter baby. 必须的东西都准备的差不多了,有新买的,也有同事朋友送的存货,有空再慢慢上图。 附上一份Huggies官网建议的待产包,供大家参考。 A baby checklist for your new arrival There’s no time like the present to start getting organised for your new bundle of joy. It may seem like you have plenty of time but the next 6-9 months will fly. Before your little one arrives there are a bunch of things you’re going to want to buy and stock up on (or at least consider), so that your first few months run as smoothly as possible. Shopping for your baby can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. Buying their tiny clothes and imagining the miracle growing inside you is enough to make anyone melt. This said, with so many baby products on the market these days it’s hard to know where to start. We can help! Here is a simple checklist to help you remember all the essential items you will need when your baby arrives. Equipment Essential items Pram or stroller Baby car seat Nappies Baby bottles and sterilising equipment (one or two for expressed milk if you’re planning to breastfeed, more if you’re planning solely to bottle feed) Two sets of baby bedding (sheets, blankets, mattress and mattress protector) Three or more baby wraps Soft baby towels and face washers Baby soap or body wash Baby wipes and cotton wool balls and tips Nappy rash cream Round-tipped nail scissors Thermometer Dummies Useful items Baby carrier (can be part of your pram) Baby bath (or you can use a sink or your regular bath with bath seat at home) Nappy bin Nappy stacker Baby bouncer Breast pump Breast pads Safety equipment, such as gates, child-resistant locks and catches, stove guard and door knob covers Baby monitor Colourful rattles and other amusements Portable changing mat Pram rain cover Baby body carrier Car window shade Furniture Essential items Bassinet or cot Change table and mat Useful items Rocking or other comfortable chair for breastfeeding Highchair (after about 5 months of age) Night light Clothing and accessories Essential items Six singlets, size 000 Six onesies size 000 (short sleeved, long sleeved, or a combination, depending on when they’re due) Two cardigans or jackets for cold days A hat (a soft sunhat for summer and a beanie or two for winter) Two pairs of socks At least two bibs Useful items Baby sleeping bag Large baby bag for outings A few cute outfits for your outings together Breastfeeding bras and tops Breastfeeding support pillow Nipple cream |