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To my unborn honey

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发表于 2011-8-5 11:39 |举报
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the computer i use is in my company. In case, some one will use my computer and see this, so i write in english. I know my english is not good. but hope you forget my broken english. Thanks very much.


My dear,


         Although u havent come to me, pls allow me call myself ur M, and my husband your D.

        Do u know, i like children very much. Years ago, i often took care of babies for my neighbors and relatives.At that time, the children liked me a lot, and their parents also said that i would be qualified M when i had baby. Of course, i have the same idea with them. And this is my pride.

       When i was studing at college, i met ur D. We fall in love, and abviously, we loved each other so much, so that when we finished school, he came and worked at the city i live. Then we marry. Ur D loves me . In my mind, he is the greatest husband in the world, though he is not so tall. Ur grant parents are also kind to me , and i like them,too.

       At the end of last year, i didnot know that i was pregnant. I did sth bad to my body, and on Marth 3rd,2011,  i lost the baby .i dont know if this is the reason that the baby left me away.

     I was rather sad those days. But i know what i can do is not keep sad, but make myself health .and after six monthes , i will prepare for being pregnant. Now five monthes pass away, and i will prepare soon. i am glad that i can do that prepare.

     Our family is harmonious,showing u above.

     Here,  hope that my honey will come to me soon and will be health.


[ 本帖最后由 lqyangyx 于 2011-8-5 13:30 编辑 ]
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