(6)Overcoming Difficulties
There are several common difficulties that mothers of twins may encounter. Becoming informed and aware of these situations can help you cope it they should occurs.
(7) High Risk Pregnancy / Cesarean Birth
If the twins are discovered during your pregnancy ,you will usually be classified as high risk .Despite this classification it is possible to have an unmedicated, natural birth. You should attend childbirth classes early , in case you are on bedrest near the end of your pregnancy. It is also important to find out what kind of experience your doctor or midwife has in delivering twins. Barring complications, the difference between having a vaginal birth or a cesarean may be the birth attendant you choose. Becoming well-informed and asking lots of questions will increase your chances of having the kind of birth experience you want.
If you need to have a cesarean birth it is still possible to nurse your babies .Try nursing lying down and use a pillow to protect your incision.
(8)Avoiding Low Birth Weights
Good nutrition during pregnancy is crucial to proper development of twin babies. Doctors who specialize in multiple births ma suggest that a mother pregnant with twins consume at least 130 grams of protein and between 2,700 and 4,000 calories a day.
(9)Ambivalent Feelings
Before,during ,and after the birth, some mothers of twins have mixed emotions about their “double blessings.” Unfortunately, they are often isolated from others because of bedrest or fatigue , or their negative feelings are not understood by those around them. These feelings are a normal reaction to a very stressful situation and should not be ignored or discounted. It often helps to talk to another mothers of twins.
(10)Having Stronger Feelings for One Baby
Most mothers of twins bond to the twin unit first and only later begin to individualize the babies. However, it can also happen that the mother becomes very strongly attached to only one of the babies. This sometimes occurs when the second twin is a surprise , when one of the babies is separated from the mother due to illness, or when one baby is smaller and more in need of special care.
Breastfeeding can help to make sure that the other baby still receives the touching , cuddling, and contact with mother he needs. And breastfeeding seems to speed the attachment process. The mother may need to make an extra effort to treat the babies equally, but should not be surprised if it takes some time.
[ 本帖最后由 HAPPY小希 于 2010-7-6 01:31 编辑 ]